
Guys wtf how do y’all still like my writing- also I still donno if I’m gonna be able to keep writing so like- wait for summer ? Idk I got school work all the way up my booty bro


I might have an idea for Golden Secret.


@0128Baby-Yeff ooo I like it but unfortunately not the way I want to go for the story :( sorry


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            So Nero comes back to the house and tells Izuku that he shouldn't marry Katsuki. So, Izuku goes out at night to see Nero and the more they spend time together their feelings grow more. 
            Then, one day Nero confesses to Izuku and Izuku does the same. 
            The Day Of The Wedding
            Izuku 'couldn't make it' and he won't no matter how hard they try to find him he is gone forever. Now people think that he's dead. But hes not. Izuku and Nero are dating.  
            A Year Later
            Katsuki had enough of this shit. He has to find Izuku so he goes into the woods and see Izuku and Nero kissing. Bakugou uses his quirk to separate them. Bakugou forcefully grabs Izuku's wrist and they head back to the kingdom.
            And they "finally" get married. 
            As for Nero? He is starting to get depressed because Izuku is his mate.
            The rest is yours.