Wow, hey everybody. I’ve been absent this week because I’ve been on vacation. As everybody else, I didn’t expect to end the day finding out Liam Payne had passed away.
As a longtime lover of One Direction and the solo careers of each boy, I can’t help but morn his life. His actions the past few years and especially past few months were not admirable, but at one point in my life, I looked up to Liam with great wonder. I’m sure most of you fall into that same category, and that’s okay. I’m honestly shocked and it’s been difficult to try to piece words together for you all. It’s hard navigating celebrity losses on any extent, but this almost feels as bad as losing a family member.
Watching him down spiral the past few years has been sad, and something I wished could’ve been prevented. Drugs and Alcohol are dangerously addictive, and that wasn’t even the beginning of where his issues started. You always hope and pray that people in his situation get help, but sometimes that just never happens.
My heart goes out to Bear, his family, and Kate. These three groups of people loved Liam for who he was, and I cannot imagine what they’re going through right now. Most specifically, my heart goes out to Maya as well. She had been brave enough to speak out, and now with this news, I know people are going to drag her for it. It’s not her fault, and I’m sure she is just as shocked as everybody else.
Let the loss of Liam be a reminder that life is short and fragile. Love the people around you while they’re near. Push people in distress around you to seek help. Be a good person.
I love you all & I assume you know that I’ll be taking a break for a minute to just decompress and balance my emotions. I encourage you to do the same.