@1-800-Charles @Luluwhitebutterfly @Iamanonionwhoisbroke @EternalSlayer Good bye family..(and many others)I won’t be using wp anymore because I hardly open the app anymore and I don’t really talk to anyone on here anymore. Please follow me on YouTube or Pinterest or Roblox (if it’s not banned where you are) YouTube:1 https://youtube.com/@michaeltheshyskunk?si=fIbJ2bYjSd31GeNJ 2: https://youtube.com/@michealthewolf2007?si=U0KVlnG04_L-4km0 Roblox:@Glitchfoxy390 Pinterest: https://pin.it/66eIqc4XQ (as stated in bio, if your profile is private I cannot follow you or message you)