
—— 2024 has been a wreck so far. 
          	I lost my best friend of 10 years bc she turned out to be terrible. 
          	My cat passed away in the beginning of April 
          	Two weeks later, my angel, the light of my life, my little girl succumbed to kidney failure after battling it for 3 years :( my world taken from me. 
          	Basically my depression is kicking my ass and I don’t feel like doing anything or living. 
          	This year has sucked so far and it’s only May I’m trying to look to the positive but Idk. Maybe one day I’ll start writing on here again…just not rn. 


—— 2024 has been a wreck so far. 
          I lost my best friend of 10 years bc she turned out to be terrible. 
          My cat passed away in the beginning of April 
          Two weeks later, my angel, the light of my life, my little girl succumbed to kidney failure after battling it for 3 years :( my world taken from me. 
          Basically my depression is kicking my ass and I don’t feel like doing anything or living. 
          This year has sucked so far and it’s only May I’m trying to look to the positive but Idk. Maybe one day I’ll start writing on here again…just not rn. 


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——-also I’m still being talked abt by my ex bsf so if you guys wanna go stalk her shit lol bc she weird asf her facebook is Raegan Alexander (rayray) and her TikTok is rae_alexis23 :) since she wants sm attention. 


——— April 4, 2024. I lost my cat, I just moved to my new home and was still settling in, I did not want to bring her just yet knowing she hates change. So my father agreed to watch her, however, I got the call April 2, that she had gotten out and they couldn’t find her. 
          Panicked, I ran over to the house and looked for her. No sign, the next day I get the call that she was found but something had gotten to her. I went and picked her up and brought her to mine like I should have done before. 
          She was hurt—bad. 
          I couldn’t do anything, she passed in my lap that night and I cried my stupid eyes out. 
          Rest in peace noodles I love you baby I’m so sorry I couldn’t protect you. 


—— had to cut off my friend of 10 years because come to find out she a snake 


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@1-800-fae good, that bitch deserves it. i only lost one fight and i was already knocked out before the girl fought me... I WAS ASLEEP WHEN SHE FOUGHT ME  like bitch try and fight me when imma awak then you rlly gonna get an ass whooping


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But yeah I told my bf if I get my hands on her I’m kicking her ass. I kinda blank when I fight she don’t wanna catch these hands bc she’s seen me fuck bitches up. I literally fought her neighbor when they popped accusing her of shit lol her dad had to get me off that hoe. If I get my hands on her I’m not stopping until she looks unrecognizable 


@-Instant_ramen- you’re gonna be make me cry that’s so sweet thank you I’m not like fat fat I’m thick as well big butt thighs ya know lol she used to be super skinny in school but then gained some weight tbh ion why she body shames when she was constantly bullied for not having boobs in school but lol imma let her continue talking shi she looks desperate and dumb 


          At 8:00 am I received a text message from my mom that she got into a car accident. Completely totaled her car. 
          She is 100% okay minor bruising but everything is sorted out and she’s going to legal action. 
          But that leaves me with sad news. 
          Regarding my presence here…
          I have outgrew my wattpad days…I am likely going to leave this account behind…no I’m not moving sites I’ll still have my stories up but as far as writing goes no I don’t think I’ll be doing that anymore. 
          Things are getting serious in life. I plan on looking into a vehicle of my own tomorrow and hopefully getting it (I was supposed to get my moms but that won’t be happening anymore) 
          My bf and I would like to settle down eventually. 
          I’ll still be here. My stories will always be here. As far as me writing anything…no. 
          Thank you for supporting me through all these years. :) 


———-haven’t been active in a month oh how time flies when you’re busy. I will finish evil very soon I have the whole story drafted in my notes it just takes time for me to edit the grammar and actually post it. Once that’s done I’ll probably leave again for a bit until ppl start applying to Hollywood arts (unless I decide to delete it) 
          I don’t really have time rn to write as much but hopefully next month I’ll get back into things I have major writers block and a lot of things going on outside of wattpad 


———-2023 has been sending me plot twists after plot twist. 
          - my bf and I broke up and recently got back together 
          -my bsf and I gained new a friend 
          -I started going out more 
          -I gained 3K on Snapchat 
          -my hs ex apologized last night which was weird but Alrighty ig