Hey, i was hoping you could make me a cover.
All the info is here:
Story title; Stary eyed sunshine
Story genre; fanfiction
Description; Some may have overseen but life isn't fair.I saw everything clearly that night,all the cruelty,pain and darknes in this world. It took just one look at those broken stary eyes fir me to vow to protect him,to protect him with my life.
I only saw his smile once, and yet it lit my heart up for the rest of eternity,turned it to the sun like a sunflower. I've never vitnessed such a genius display of power,knowledge and witt before. But now, i know one thing for sure, i wont let anybody hurt my sunnshine.
Specifics of the cover; Color scheme is suposed to be consisted of all kinds of blues (with a dim but contrasted lighting), and is suposed to have a dreamy look to it.
It would be great if it included either(or all) of the following elements: old books/handwriting(to symbolise mysteriousness and knowledge), flowers(to symbolse inoccence and... something that will be mentioned in a book),stars(to symbolise freedom,long lastness*but try not to put universe, just some kind of star charts*)
Authors profile; @knowitall_freckles
Email; jelena.petrovic@momakg.edu.rs
Ps. I know this is a long list and a lot of requests but im really quite bad at sumaries and explainig.
Please excuse any grammar or spelling mistakes, English is not my first/native language.