
im literally famous i have 43 followers 


Stop talking trash of other people like logan paul ok he made a mistake how would you feel if any body talked bad things of you like your ugly face so stop like you have not done a mistake you did you where born so just STOP 


ok, i never said i never made a mistake before bcos i have, but i literally have a roast book, what do you want me to do? compliment them? like if you wanted to avoid hate, why tf would you read a roast book. plus if you think i’m gonna stop bcos your a god damn maverick, you better take a reality check bcos i’m not. just an fyi, you’re supporting who has disgusted millions of people by laughing at suicide, which isn’t a joke bcos I’ve lost multiple friends and family members to suicide. plus calling me ugly was uncalled for and you completely contradicted yourself but hating on me, when you’re telling me to stop hating like what??


"Wes10s chicken coop" I'm sorry I can't 


@1-800-ilovewes10 ‍♀️‍♀️‍‍‍‍‍⚖️‍✈️‍♂️‍♂️‍✈️‍♂️‍♂️‍♂️‍✈️‍♂️ Here use min LADDY