


Hey y’all sorry I haven’t updated in like forever but I just wanted to say that it is because I’m at a lack of inspiration right now plus very burnt out of school (I’m in 7th and I have all advanced classes plus taking a high school class) so uh yeah our break starts Saturday and I have a week of nothing to do then I got back so I’m going to try to update a lot just letting y’all know 


Turns out my boyfriend wanted lots of attention that week


          I see that you've been reading my stories. I don't normally go to people's profiles to say anything, but I just wanted to make sure that you're reading them in the correct order. I see that you started reading "MR JEON" which is the sequel to "THE JEONS". But it looks like (on my notifications) that you left votes on "MR JEON" first then put votes on "THE JEONS". I just wanna make sure that you read "THE JEONS" first so that you understand the plot a bit better. Perhaps you're just going back and leaving votes or rereading it to understand. In that case, don't mind me.
          Please continue to enjoy the stories. I love reading not only your comments but comments in general. It's my favorite thing other than writing!