
Hey bois, so for my language class I have to write a book and I have no clue what to write it about so please leave ideas I’m in desperate need of help 


@ 1-800-livin  I know its probably late but write an Reddie fanficionSee how the teacher reacts


Hey guys, sorry I haven’t been active I just have a lot on my mind I might share it with you but I don’t know, cause writing is like a stress reliever and it helps me stay calm, but I haven’t been doing that so I’m really stressed out and I’m never eating so like um yeah, if you have any ways you like calm yourself like drawing or something comment on this ( if you can) and I’ll try it out.. and I’m getting my blood tested next week I think and I hate needles so much 


@1-800-livin do you have a diary. If you don't. You should try it. It helps with stress. Also squeezing squishy stuff and or ice in your hand. And take deep breaths, in and out.