Hi everyone sorry to say this but because of something that has happened at school to do with Wattpad, I’ve made the Decision to freeze my account as in I won’t publish anymore. This was a joint descion between me and my close friends. I’m so sorry for this but this is about my safety.
Although we will all miss your magnificent stories. We totally respect your decision to do this! Just keep writing! Even if its not on Wattpad! Hope you are ok right now.
Today was the hardest day of my life I said goodbye to my dad. So I’m taking a small break from wattpad. I will still be updating just not a frequently. I hope you all understand
High everyone I’ve just released s new story called My Family and COPD. It explains what happened to my dad and how I’m coping. Please read it and share the story to raise awareness
@JizzieJoelLizzie I have read it and it is so good. It must be horrible to have lost your dad and I dont know what it's like but I have lost someone who was close to me and you are dealing with it exactly how someone should and I'm so sorry if u want to talk to anyone you could talk to me if you want? The book is inspiring and its so good of u to speak out about it. Its hard now but in the future it will get easier I guarantee. See you at school in a few weeks!
Hi everyone, sorry if I’m not as active from today because I lost my dad yesterday, so I’m just trying to come to terms with that. I will post, just not as frequently. I could do with support right now.
RIP Dad-aged 49
@JizzieJoelLizzie it's fine the is no need to update take your time to get past it and focus on yourself and your health mentally and physically the readers will be patient they can wait for you to be okay take as long as you need to be better we will wait please take care of your self because that is what matters most I understand it's hard to but if you need someone to rant or talk feel free to messege me I will listen and try and help you I understand if you don't want to rant to a stranger but know if you did i would keep it privet. Just to let you know I'm 14
Just wondering- why did you choose JizzieJoelLizzie as your user? I’m just wondering cause for me it’s coincidental and I know those names from somewhere completely unrelated to this xD