


Heeeeey y’all! guess why I’m so happy…. Well there’s two reasons…one because ️‍ and two because…drumroll please…I HAVE MY FIRST FLUFFING FOLLOWER!! Yayayayayayayayay!!! I’m so excited!! Hooray! Thank you so so so so sooo much Dipgirl! It makes me so so happy!! yay! Grrr I’m figuratively jumping for joy but I’m saving my energy for other reasons! It’s a quote from “a series of unfortunate events” but the Netflix series! Okay byyyeeeeeeeeeee!


Hiii good morning everyone and happy Saturday!!! I hope y’all are having a great weekend, now I know I know what you’re thinking, PHINN WHY ARE YOU UP RIGHT NOW, ITS ONE IN THE MORNING!!! My brain does what it wants, man, so right now I’m gunna go eat an ice cream sandwich and look at some gravity falls memes on the  floor of my living room!!!


Also I recently confirmed a theriotype……. It’s a ,
          Male border collie named PHINNLEY OR PHINN, AND I EVEN HAVE A BIT OF LORE! So he’s terrified of men and most women he only feels comfortable around children and he is also terrified of loud cars in fact he’s scared of most vehicles….so yeah!


I just talked to my boyfriend and he said that he didn’t agree with LGBTQ+, but IM PANSEXUAL! So I think I should break up with him, but I don’t wanna, but I also know that he’s keeping me from being lesbian! What do I do!!?!?