
Hey guys I'm deleting sorry I've really grown as a writer and I wanna start over fresh i am gonna continue the Harry Potter fanfic I'm working on but the rest is going my username is gonna be the same so just search it again if there is anyone reading this haha awkward laugh (tumbleweed) anyone? Anyone?  anyway bye u guys please continue watching it would make me feel so happy and joyful and noticed so yah 


Hey guys I'm deleting sorry I've really grown as a writer and I wanna start over fresh i am gonna continue the Harry Potter fanfic I'm working on but the rest is going my username is gonna be the same so just search it again if there is anyone reading this haha awkward laugh (tumbleweed) anyone? Anyone?  anyway bye u guys please continue watching it would make me feel so happy and joyful and noticed so yah 


Thx caiti_smith00 and moniquewheeldon for the follows and soz if your reading a story i have not updated yet but having some writers block if you have some ideas tell me and ill dedicate that chapter to you and mention u in my authors note thx bye
          Miss Potter


Hey Guys/Girls Thx for the follows Megan And Nibbit :P really appreciated and updating soon on Winky The House Elf if your reading it :D And YA Bye by the way recommended book of the week is : In Ruins its got a pic of draco malfoy and Hermonie granger on it good book unless you hate dramione i dont root for it im romione all the way but its a good book