
@MissMaegan :) aww, it was nothing. I love the plot already :D I had to see it continue <3


I just want to let you know that I uploaded the second chapter of BAtR, and as soon as I get to a computer (I'm on my iPhone now) I'm going to dedicate the chapter to you since you're my first (and only for this story -_-) commenter! <3


So you guys deserve to know this.
          I've been writing so much more these past few months! :) Yay, I know.
          I moved ahead in GWTSB and my secret story;)
          But the revision of CTTE was coming along slowly.
          BUUUTTTT, all that does not matter anymore. The USB drive that I save all my stories on is missing. I don't know if I lost it, someone stole it, or it's just misplaced.
          I finally had some free time to write this week during lunch (I was in the library) and I reached into my bag and couldn't find my writing jump drive. I thought - "eh, it's prolly just at home or buried somewhere in my bag" well it wasn't.
          SOOO, I looked (in my opinion) everywhere for it. Haven't come close to remembering where I last saw it.
          I hope if someone found it/stole it they are enjoying themselves (or getting intensely bad karma) as they read it because that was a lot of hard work that I was putting so much effort into just for you guys... I wanted more chapters planned so I didn't have to risk another MIA moment. Well now that's all down the toilet.
          If you guys want to un-fan I totally understand! I don't mind. I was contemplating deleting my stories but I know I'd regret that later. So, for the time being I am off writing as a whole and sulking in my story that I planned out and wrote like 39502837529 pages for.
          Anywho just wanted to fill you guys in. I'll let you know when newer and hopefully better stories'll be out. Or maybe my USB'll magical turn up. :D
          Here's hoping. But, everything happens for a reason. So :\
          Bye guys:] you're all amazing. 


@jessababe96 Actually I've been too into this one story that I'm not gonna post til I finish (for realll this time;) ) so I'm kinda obsessed with that :D Lol, I know! I have to catch up on your stories! Midterms are annoying! >.< I cannot wait until after my Bio one.....I'm gonna fail so badd! :S Hahaha, okie just leave then! But don't forget about our WWF game tho:P


@jessababe96 Haha, I would've replied earlier but my iPod was being stupid. The same thing happened to me when you changed yours! I was like, who's calling me boo and telling me to text them;o
          Hahhaha, I'm working on it... Don't pressure me woman! Actually I work better under pressure..... Now I'm rambling haha, aww I got you doing it too!