My tooth is so lose and it hurts so bad, it literally feels like I can't open my mouth a 100%
I don't, I'm sleeping over at my grandparents and I'm not gonna ask them for anything, but I did get it to bleed a bit and as weird as it sounds that normally a sign (for me atleast) that it's coming out soon.
@11ella6 Do you have ibuprofen/acetaminophen at home? Don't take aspirin.
So I'm struggling with pimples in my hair line but the way I style my hair it covers it, but I have two really bad (it was 3 but teo of them kinda formed into one) and sometimes I talk about them with my friends and one of my friends have a bit of a problem with pimples (she is beautiful no matter what) but I always feel like I'm overreacting but not like my pimples, and that makes me feel like I'm a real dick towards her. Just a little rant...
@TheseFallenRainbows I definitely will, I have done it a couple time actually and it seems work
@11ella6 You're not being a jerk. I get those too and they're painful. It's not an overreaction at all. My hack is putting a dab of toothpaste on it overnight, try that and maybe it'll help?
@Amethyst285 thanks, I don't know how you look either but I'm sure you super beautiful
LIFE UPDATE!! So I went to the dentist today and I figured out I have to pull two teeth because my new teeth that are coming up are pointing towards some of my other tooth's because my child teeth haven't fallen out yet. I kid you not when I hear that I nearly started crying and just covered my mouth whit my hands because the last time I pulled a tooth I fainted, and I didn't think the fainting part was scary but the teeth pulling was so scary. And it's on the 14 of February, yes on valentines, well it's not like I'm dating anyone but Yeah.... Onto the next! So tomorrow I am sleeping over at my grandparents and I used so long deciding what I wanted to eat because I had to make sure I would actually feel up to eating it and that it wouldn't be made a lot different from how we do it at home so I went whit taco! I'm also taking the bus straight from school to were they live.... And I have a math test tomorrow, just a small one but I suck at math so I'm very nervous. Oh and I'm currently questioning my whole identity!
@11ella6 That makes sense. I didn't even bite down on my fork or anything, like half my tooth just literally came off LOL
The way I'm so overwhelmed because my sh cut thingy just started bleeding again and the song 'overwhelmed' comes on. HA, GREAT TIMING
@TheseFallenRainbows I'll check it out! Tomorrow tho because I'm actually supposed to be asleep
Thank you for the follow! May I ask how you found me? (Btw I was able to bring you up to 50!!!)
@TheseFallenRainbows I think you commented on someone else's story/book and I found your commented funny (And thank you:))
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My mum is so annoying rn... so I'm having some friends over and she's like "if you wanna freshen up a bit, you know put on some makeup, then you have to do it now" I'm like "that, I don't really think I want to, everyone is just wearing pj's and I do have some makeup on already" but she's like "no, go put on some" so I do. But it's just shiny because one of the friends I'm having over is, let's just say judgmental. Like I started wearing some glittery eyeshadow not long after we started school again after the summer and she was like "is that supposed to be glitter?" I'm like "yeah" and she says "it looks good on you" in a very 'you look so fucking weird with it' voice and as criticised things I have done/wore before and I have told my mum about it and she says that's just how my friend is, so I have been trying to distent myself a bit but my mum continues to push for me to hang out with her. And I don't want to disappoint my mum with the fact that I have gotten 'new' friends that are making me more confident because that friend always makes me feel a bit shit about how I look and stuff I do for fun. That wad a bit of a rant, sorry for that. I'm not expecting help on this just needed to tell someone <3
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WOW, guess who just figured out they have been SA 3 fucking times, so much fun :) Obviously not fun at all (One time of unwanted exposure. One time whit being forced into saying yes to a sexual thing (not completely sex) and one time being forced into saying yes to kiss) (I know these probably doesn't seem serious, but it's still pretty shity to find out, and yes I have done a lot of research on if these counts as SA)
@11ella6 I'm chill it was two guys over and over in grade 5 then grade 7 & 8 my Brian lowkey shuts it out
Watching people swimming rn and just realised how stupid I must look while swimming