
Guysss i finally updated he was the sun ✨


On the topic of naruto and stuff would it be alright if i used your book as like a sort of reference i can turn to when im writing mine? My book is a fanfiction so its not an imitation of yours but i would like to get permission before i do anything


I want to write, i want to make stories and books like i once could before. My spark and will to write has left and it hasnt come back in so long
          Im failing my creative writing and im only getting zero but idk what to do someone please help me 


Maybe if one were to look closely, you could see the slivers of me coming back. The old me slipping back into the place where she once was.
          Her thoughts were mine. Her thoughts are mine. I am her and she is me, but i dont want her to be...


And no matter what i do, with every thought in my head, its always him. Every lyric, sound, space reminds me of him. His voice, his hair, his eyes, his laugh, his smile, every detail about him is so perfect to me.
          Why is it the people who should be the most loved often hate themselves the most, he deserves to smile how everyone else does. He deserves the love that can be given to him. He doesnt deserve all his hurt :(


I was just on snapspotlight and saw a video that was like "when your card declines in therapy so they send the boy who counted your calories into the room" 
          In the comments was one guy who said something along the lines of "when your insecure you cry. Instead i go to the gym, thats why theres a wage gap." 
          And instead of berating this guy like he had done to her, the replies were "i hope you find peace in this world" 
          "One day maybe youll understand and not hate so easily" 
          "I hope you heal from whoever hurt you this way..."
          And just wow...
          How can others be so kind to someone to mean? 
          How is it possible that theres still people that good out there...