
You all have 24 hours to tell me the answer and if I don't get any answer, I will think it is a yes


@1234iamaloone please don't delete them 


Hi guys, I am thinking of deleting my books like both the books which are available on my profile I'm planning to delete it of them and rewrite both of them and then publish it again will that be okay? 


@1234iamaloone you know you are a very amazing writer and if people can't see that through your stories then they are clearly blind and your stories are perfect to me 


@Hemraj74 thank you my love, I had started to doubt myself. I will not delete kings Queen. And I will also update soon. 


@Hemraj74 honey I am not doing this on purpose. You see I am also posting on Ao3 the website and over their people have asked me to improve my writing. So that is why I am asking you all. I am so sorry for not considering your feelings. 


Guys! My exams are over! Now I can finally start to focus on writing, I am planning to at least write 5 chapters before 25th Dec but you know me I may not be able to do it so....... Let's see! Byee. 


@1234iamaloone hey Don't take pressure it's completely ok if you cannot all the thing matters is you are trying.


@Madhumantibagh I do hope I would complete all of that before 25th so you know I can give you some updates on how am I going to like post next year like till next year I want to like finish it like in 2025 I want to finish this book so, I want to hurry up and it's not even in the middle of the book it's not even having a climax right now it's not, it's very start of the book so


@1234iamaloone  yeahhhh you can do ittttt!! I am cheering for you that would be best gift in Christmas


@Madhumantibagh no, honey! You did help to me okay! I did had a great talk with you because I really needed to talk to someone about this problem I cannot talk to my friends I do not have many friends I'm very loner and the second point is that I cannot talk about that to my parents it's simple, it's not very hard to understand that, right! But it is very useful for me that you talk to me I at least understood I'm not the only person who lacks the understanding of this feeling or this emotion you can say.


Guys, I am feeling so conflicted, I don't think I can write a love story! I need your help in that, romantic love is very different from parental love. And now, you can tell it's like I have never felt in love nor I have liked any person so I would appreciate if you could all just help me a little bit like just tell me how it feels you know how would you like to feel to be in love. 


@1234iamaloone same here I love to talk with you I am a loner full that's why I feel like I understand the loneliness and also the rejection of loved one I can feel it so much, we all lonely people want to get happy ending but it hard to understand us, we are actually simple just need a person who have enough patience to understand us , nothing more, it was really nice talking with you keep growing. Love you.


@babybunbun21 it is very complicated emotion at the reason it is so hard to write about it


@1234iamaloone I have a lot of friends who are committed, some act like best friends so for them love develops along with friendship. some are college sweethearts and my one friend fell in love at first sight. so it's a bit complicated from my perspective. anyway good luck with your work.


Hi! Long time no see author,
          how are you?
          And what you've been doing for last month's have you improved?


@Madhumantibagh Thank you my loves you both have helped me a lot, thank you 


@1234iamaloone hey hope you are doing well,  don't forget your ethics and focus you will do well, if you can think such a plot I believe you will be able to complete a greater story don't forget your virtues. I am looking forward to 25th December


@Pravinkatare their is no improvement in my writing, not that I have noticed but I have completed one chapter and I am also think how to connect the story and what to do. And my exams are going to start from tomorrow which is also bad, because I have not studied. My goddess I have started to rambling to you, so sorry! What about you how are you doing? 