Why is it sooo tough? The last sem ended and it's just been 12 days. I have a week before the next semester starts. The kind of mental stress I had to endure during the last semester was so intense, I used to sob once in three days and I completely lost my sleep cycle for the whole five months. I wanna be a writer alright? But my degree is important to my parents. I want to be a writer alright? But my assignments and labs and tests wont let me improve my writing skills! Who wants a writer who has an engineering degree? Absolutely no one. I try to freelance, but freshers are overlooked at. My last semester ended on the 30th. I wasn't feeling any emotions at all. Just came home and crashed. It was soo bad, I coundn't destress till the 10th Jan. Yeah, you read that right. It took me 10 days to just crack a smile, and today, 12th they start bombarding me with placement tests. On the verge on loosing my sanity. I am preparing an internship, writing 3 novels and trying to exercise and meditate and eat and sleep right, cuz once its jan 17th, I don't know when my sanity will be officially lost. But noo, placement tests are coming up. Someone shoot up some ways to destress please.