What up?
Welcome to Wattpad!
I'm Viz, a Wattpad ambassador and incase you have any trouble or queries regarding the site, I'd be glad ta help. All ya gotta do is click on the reply button below the message and shoot. Or click on my username, which will steer you toward my profile where you can post your message.
Apart from reading and posting your own works, you can also join clubs according to your favourite genres of writing and take part in discussions. Just click on the 'Clubs' tab above your profile.
Hope ya have a great time out here.
PS, to change your profile pic, go to your profile, click on 'edit settings' and on the page that opens, click on the space beneath 'profile picture' and select the file that you want as your profile picture. Hope this helps! Feel free to contact incase you need further assistance in the matter.