♡ “There’s no such thing as lost. The term itself assumes an end-state that simply does not exist in your life. Life is nothing more than a constant process of finding. Learning, uncovering, becoming, discovering. Treat it that way: Give yourself some grace and remember that every single moment—good and bad—contributes to your life’s story. That story always reads better when the struggle is profound. So, embrace it. You’re not lost, you’re just finding.“ ~S. B. "Inner peace is not something you assemble externally; it is a perspective in your mind that is anchored in the truth of impermanence. When you deeply understand that all situations change, you cling to everything less. You appreciate the things that are enjoyable, and you are not troubled when they end. You face challenges when they arise, but you know that no storm lasts forever.” ♡ ~Yung Pueblo
@12MidnightBlue12 Thank you for sharing such inspiring words! They truly resonated with me.