
UPDATE: I am currently deep deep into the process of editing Discovered (for any of you who actually read it previously) and I'm hoping for sometime early next year to begin posting again. A lot has changed and I hope you all stick with me through this! 


UPDATE: I am currently deep deep into the process of editing Discovered (for any of you who actually read it previously) and I'm hoping for sometime early next year to begin posting again. A lot has changed and I hope you all stick with me through this! 


I AM NOT DEAD!!!! I know i've been gone for A LONG LONG time, but it was a much needed break. But I'm back, and I've decided to just take down my latest story Discovered, for some much needed revision and just work in general. It will be back eventually, but as of now, I'm deleting it off my profile.


Yep, I'm just gonna rewrite this whole story. the beginning is god awful and I cant stand looking at it anymore. I'll still leave it up, but the beginning chapters might not match up with the rest of the book for a while. Please bear with me guys!


So, low and behold, I am NOT dead, like it may seem. I haven't written in who knows how long, due to my natural laziness and procrastinating nature. BUT I've been taking a different approach on how I'm writing Discovered, for any of you that still care. Outlining the chapters before I write them is quite helpful. Anywho, I'm on break this week and hopefully i'll have the rest of the plotline planned out by the end.


Chapter 6.2 is up!!!! I've finally uploaded something! I know almost no one actually looks at my stuff or follows me, but if you do, please go check out the new chapter, tell your friends on here about the story, just help spread it around. It would really mean a lot, since I don't get many reads in the first place


I honestly hate writing this message right now... But school and swim and everything else in my life has become my top priority, taking up all my time, sadly pushing writing to the way back. So I'm gonna have to put m story on hold for a while until i get everything sorted out :( I'm sorry