@RainWhisker Thanks! I hope so too! I've known for a while that i wanted to be a writer but i didn't know what kind of college classes i would take. I just figured I'd major in English, but recently I've discovered that some schools have a major in creative writing. Now i just have to find a good college with that major and a good art program. ... i just really enjoy stories. Sometimes though i get really doubtful, and then i try to imagine what i would major in if i didn't major in creative writing. Then i get i really hollow feeling, because i honestly don't know the answer. If i fail at writing i don't know what I'll do, stories are my life! Then i start to doubt my abilities and to question if I'm actually i good writing, :(. So i start thinking that maybe i should go into something different, bit then i realize that i want to do something that i love. I don't want to sit at a desk for the rest of my life doing something that i hate. Stories are what i enjoy! Doubting gets in my way! So whatever it is you love to do is what you should major in, don't doubt. The way i look at it is that, even if my writing could use much improving, i still have college. I can improve my writing skills then. Then i can do what i LOVE!