
Ok, guys! I've uploaded the next chapter in Mistaken. Sorry I've been away for so long. I've decided to continue writing Mistaken, and I'll try to update it as often as I can. Thanks! I hope you like the eleventh chapter of Mistaken!


@RainWhisker haha. You could still work with animals though. Like you said, you could be a vet, but there's probably many other jobs that involve working with animals. I used to want  to be a vet. I love animals. Horses are my favorite, though i don't have one(but it's in my plan to own horses someday). I've never been horseback riding before. I'd love to someday. It's awesome that you do it.


If you don't want writing to be your career you can always just write on the side. Maybe it'll be a good way to get rid of stress. Then you don't have to worry about getting a book done by a certain date. You could go your own speed. Like I've been doing, Lol. It's been awhile since I've posted a chapter or read a story on wattpad. I NEED to catch up on your stories. I Really mean to. I'd just been so busy. Maybe after volleyball I'll have more time.


@RainWhisker Thanks! I hope so too! I've known for a while that i wanted to be a writer but i didn't know what kind of college classes i would take. I just figured I'd major in English, but recently I've discovered that some schools have a major in creative writing. Now i just have to find a good college with that major and a good art program. ... i just really enjoy stories. Sometimes though i get really doubtful, and then i try to imagine what i would major in if i didn't major in creative writing. Then i get i really hollow feeling, because i honestly don't know the answer. If i fail at writing i don't know what I'll do, stories are my life! Then i start to doubt my abilities and to question if I'm actually i good writing, :(. So i start thinking that maybe i should go into something different, bit then i realize that i want to do something that i love. I don't want to sit at a desk for the rest of my life doing something that i hate. Stories are what i enjoy! Doubting gets in my way! So whatever it is you love to do is what you should major in, don't doubt. The way i look at it is that, even if my writing could use much improving, i still have college. I can improve my writing skills then. Then i can do what i LOVE!


I mostly have everything all planned out. I want to be a writer who makes her own covers. So I'm going to major in creative writing and minor in art. Then if writing doesn't work out for me i can do something in art. I know that i want to go to an undergrad college and then to a grad college, and i think i have the college picked out that I'm going to go too first.