I'm scared of the thought of us breaking up. I feels as if you don't love Me anymore, you just don't want to tell me. When ever i look at you, you look away, my heart sinks into an endless pit of darkness, tears fall from my eyes, it seems like you have fallen in love with someone else. And I'm still here falling apart slowly getting faster once it starts its clearly hard to stop, fading away as if I never existed. And I know you wont remember me, I used to be something to you but now I'm nothing, I'm just a useless thought, an invisible person. But you, to me, you're everything I dream about, I can't help it, I cant stop falling deeper and deeper in love with you. As your slowly drifting away I'm trying to go against this hard wind, trying to make my way to you. Your just throwing every fan in my way, trying to push me away, but the thing is I'll never give up, I'll keep going for the rest of my utter less life, until that one day I reach you. Although this will hurt nothing will stop me from making my way to the love of my life...you....