          Cobra Kai Chosen One of the Valley Season 6 Chapter 71 Victory is Ours is now available. 
          The Miyagi-Do may have won the match with Cobra Kai got eliminated, with Sam and Ben taking in the next level as engaged couple. 
          But at what cost? 
          Plus there's an appearance of Mr. Han in this story finally meeting the Chosen One and his friends in the Sekai Taikai.
          Enjoy reading it.

          What's up, guys?
          Cobra Kai Chosen One of the Valley Season 6 Part 2 Chapter 69 Blood In Blood Out is now available.
          We will experience the story about Ben and Sam having a new child in their future while confronting old rivalries like Silver and Kreese.
          Plus the endgame of this chapter is getting shocked

          Cobra Kai Chosen One of the Valley Chapter 67 - Dogs in the Fight is now available.
          Experience the Miyagi-Dos and the Cobra Kais doing their best in the events of Sekai Taikai while Ben faces a lot of things about Iron Dragons. 
          Please enjoy the story.

          Cobra Kai Chosen One of the Valley Chapter 56 - Meeting Old Friends and Relatives is now available.
          It includes the reunion of Ben and Sabine plus Sabine and Mika rejoining Miyagi-Do in this Arc Story for the Sekai Taikai in Season 6.