


That was a lot


@14ciaragirl i know,and i am careful, he is a really nice person and stuff, he helped me when i had a very bad depression episode and the weirdest thing he has ever daid is "oppa is here" but he said it in the middle if a humorous conversation we were having, and we dont text that offten cuz he is busy raisnting his kid, wditing and writing his books on here, and talking with other readers of his, i trust him but i know when things get weird, ive been threw things wirh people who i never expected to do things irl and im smarter than i act most times and people dont know my mindset, only a few people do and it scares them tbh for multiple reasons :/


@FireDrop13 I personally don't think it's appropriate to be talking to a grown man, with a child nonetheless. Even if he is an army. Trust me, when I was around your age (wow I sound like a mom lol) I'd chat with older guys online too and it always led to something sexual. I just think you should be cautious. 