
There’s another thing I would like to point out. I am not perfect. Neither do I strive to be. And one of my biggest flaws is that I am inconsistent. I am inconsistent with my work, my grades, my sleeping pattern, my mood and my writing too. I just can’t follow a specific time table. And I am working on it. So I do not want to keep my readers waiting as I ghost them for months. I won’t want to be that person. The story I am currently working on “The Butterfly Effect” has gained a lot of love. It is nothing compared to what published Wattpad writers write, but from where I stand, it is a great deal. This story is reaching one of its long-awaited climax and ending. But after re-reading my own work, I noticed many flaws, places where the facts are wrong, grammar is incorrect, tense is all jumbled up..most importantly, the characters lacked realism. They were not as real as I wanted to portray them. I have been working on this story for a long time now, and it would absolutely break my heart to see this story come to an un-polished end. So I am going to take some time and try to fix this. Maybe still, the story will not be as perfect, maybe it’ll never be published, and that’s okay. But I will try my very best. And that will take some time. 
          	If you’re still reading, know that I’ll still be (trying to) posting poetry on “Arcane Agathokakological Misanthrope”. Stay save, goodbye.


@154hutson it's so good, I'd say good enough to be a paid story, can't wait to read the version you like, you're amazing don't forget that, I'll be here when the stories done❤


There’s another thing I would like to point out. I am not perfect. Neither do I strive to be. And one of my biggest flaws is that I am inconsistent. I am inconsistent with my work, my grades, my sleeping pattern, my mood and my writing too. I just can’t follow a specific time table. And I am working on it. So I do not want to keep my readers waiting as I ghost them for months. I won’t want to be that person. The story I am currently working on “The Butterfly Effect” has gained a lot of love. It is nothing compared to what published Wattpad writers write, but from where I stand, it is a great deal. This story is reaching one of its long-awaited climax and ending. But after re-reading my own work, I noticed many flaws, places where the facts are wrong, grammar is incorrect, tense is all jumbled up..most importantly, the characters lacked realism. They were not as real as I wanted to portray them. I have been working on this story for a long time now, and it would absolutely break my heart to see this story come to an un-polished end. So I am going to take some time and try to fix this. Maybe still, the story will not be as perfect, maybe it’ll never be published, and that’s okay. But I will try my very best. And that will take some time. 
          If you’re still reading, know that I’ll still be (trying to) posting poetry on “Arcane Agathokakological Misanthrope”. Stay save, goodbye.


@154hutson it's so good, I'd say good enough to be a paid story, can't wait to read the version you like, you're amazing don't forget that, I'll be here when the stories done❤


Hi. It’s me, just another random user. So what am I even writing? Well, it’s basically me ranting about my useless life to millions of strangers. Just kidding, if you are reading this then I am honestly very honoured. I wanted to take some time to tell all of you that I am leaving Wattpad, not forever but for now. Why? Well much like a lot of people here, I am a student, and I need to focus on a very important exam that is coming soon. Secondly, my mental health hasn’t been the best. Maybe it’s the fact that I’ve been in quarantine for what feels like a decade now, or that there’s a pandemic going on which is actually taking lives. Or maybe that I feel trapped, both metaphorically and literally. So I don’t think that all these together gives me any time or motivation to continue putting out new pieces of work. I am not saying that I do not like writing, mind you, I am saying that I want to enjoy writing and be put out new things.


Today I got a notification that my account has been accessed by someone else without my consent. So I have currently unpublished all my stories, (even though that won't help much I know, but still) and am currently sorting the problem out. I hope all of you understand. thank you, and sorry if you were reading any of my books.


@154hutson even i got the same notification. Change ur pw immediately 


I am someone who writes whatever pops in my head. So in my head, my stories are just fragments of the beginning, of the idea I want to convey, and the ending. As I am writing, I add characters, and I twist and turn the scenes. The reason why I am saying this because "The Butterfly Effect" is nearing it's climax and ending. So I need to re-read this from the beginning to jot down the key items. So the next updates will take time for me to plan out and bring is to life. I hope you understand. And I hope you read my story. Thank you.