
I deleted all my storys because well lets say this they suck and we all no it lol. I'm going to work on them more then I'm going to put them up when I'm all done with them. I'm sorry to any one who liket them. 
          	Love & Rocket ships,


I deleted all my storys because well lets say this they suck and we all no it lol. I'm going to work on them more then I'm going to put them up when I'm all done with them. I'm sorry to any one who liket them. 
          Love & Rocket ships,


new chapter of 'Reality Of Isabella' im sorry it tock so long and it so short. I'vv been a bad girl lol:).  And me looking for a new name mabby for the story.....any thing you can think of come on dont be shy and tell me lol:) ima freak but a loveable one lol:)