So i literally js finished reading the Foden story and I absolutely loved it. I cried when I got to the end and saw Julia and Phil were engaged then the story ended at that. That story was so so so so good it's hard to put into words. Would you think about maybe writing a prequel? Like they get married and while on their honeymoon or wtv Julia gets pregnant and then a little time skip to where they have their children and they get twins, a girl and a boy, and at the same time Jordan is also having a kid/kids(cuz her and Dec get married also). If you want and have time of course. Sorry for the long post!

thank you so much for the kind words! I’ve thought about another story that focus on a new oc, but where Jules and Phil would be side characters. Although, I’m not sure if I have that much time the next months to write anything. If I’ll work on something, I’ll keep you updated!