Thank you so much for the follow! ❤
Reading Lists
Like others, I'm saddened that the PM feature has been deleted. It seems like Wattpad is trying to give people less reason to use this platform. I've made friends here that I never would have without the PM feature. I think the PM feature allowed people to be supportive in a way the message boards simply don't. Then again, people will no longer have to read a message from me that begins with an apology for contacting them privately.
@1775rik you have been so kind on here with all of your support and kind words. I hope there are other platforms where you can write and chat with your readers as well. Thank you so much for supporting me and friends. God bless you ❤
Thank you so much for the follow! ❤
@WPC_writer Happy to do it. Thanks for the follow back
Like others, I'm saddened that the PM feature has been deleted. It seems like Wattpad is trying to give people less reason to use this platform. I've made friends here that I never would have without the PM feature. I think the PM feature allowed people to be supportive in a way the message boards simply don't. Then again, people will no longer have to read a message from me that begins with an apology for contacting them privately.
@1775rik you have been so kind on here with all of your support and kind words. I hope there are other platforms where you can write and chat with your readers as well. Thank you so much for supporting me and friends. God bless you ❤
Thank you so much for commenting on my story. Your comments are so insightful and encouraging and I appreciate them so much
@MissWorld2o15 I don't know about insightful, but if they are encouraging then I'm pleased about that. You really are doing a fine job with a long and involved story.
I am sure some of you remember the classic 13RW story A Reason to Remember the Stars. Another version of the story is being rewritten by a new author with, as I understand it, the blessings of the original author. The new author is off to a great start and I hope anyone who is interested will give it a look.https://archiveofourown.org/works/43958364/chapters/110528937
@Anihilus I remember our friend saying they had passed the torch, but I confess to having doubts anything would happen. I should have had more faith. I was excited to see it and hope you enjoy it. ARTRTS and the original author inspired me in a different way, but I think they inspired right many people.
@Anihilus It's so good! If you like 13RW or the original ARTRTS, i feel you'll like it.
My friend @real_name_hidden1477 has posted is starting a new Stranger Things story with an original character. She's a fine writer and I don't think anyone who gives the story a chance will be disappointed .https://www.wattpad.com/story/318402268-can%27t-help-loving-you
I talk to a decent number of people on this app, I admire all of you. You are all very talented and willing to share your talents with others. For some of you, life has been very unfair. And hat has hurt you. But it hasn't broken any of you. You have all fought back and are making good lives for yourself, lives that you should be proud of. Hearing how you you have taken care of yourselves is inspiring. It has made me be proud to know you. At the moment, for no particular reason, I'm not feeling very inspired. I've done a bit of good I hope, but I'm not sure that is matters much whether things go on for me. There's no reason to be concerned. I have obligations that I won't turn my back on. And I am too much of a coward to not fear what might come next. So while I'm not always quite sure what will be accomplished by going on, I will do nothing to hasten the inevitable end. That takes more courage, or perhaps more pain, then I feel. But all of you have made me feel pride. With people like you in it, the future will be just fine. Many of you live in different countries. But all of you care about others than you do yourselves. I admire that so much. But I do urge you to take care of yourselves as well. All of you are valuable and worthy and have the capacity to do much good. Many of you already have done much good. And I am excited to be able to continue to see how much more good you do. I look forward to seeing that, which will only increase the pride I feel in each of you.
This is a sweet and thoughtful reply. Thanks for taking the time to write it. And you are right--while it might take a little time to feel inspired again, that feeling will return. I'm already feeling a bit better. Thanks again.
I think it’s totally normal to not feel okay and I’m sure the emotions you feel are valid and it might take some time to overcome them and feel inspired again. I’m glad you shared this with us and we feel the same often too. I hope you find ways to cope up with it and feel good again. All the best and take care of yourself buddy <3
Happy National Authors Day to all my friends that write. All of you invest your time, your effort and your creativity into stories that we are lucky enough to be able to read. Often you write about subjects that must take a lot out of you, subjects that must be hard to think about, much less write about. But you do it because you have something to say, something that people should hear. All of you have my affection, my admiration and my appreciation. This place is better because you are here.
@_kingmila I'm sorry for dropping off for season 4. It had to do with the show rather than your work. But I think I should try and read what you wrote and say something about it. I do need to see how things worked out for Imogen. More than three quarters of a million views--quite something and well deserved. I even got up the gumption to write something short myself. I'm doing well. I've taken note that you have moved on to graduate school. I know you are working hard and its great to see you continuing to move towards your goals. You have a lot to be proud of.
Yesterday was the anniversary of Hannah's death. I fully acknowledge that paying attention to the anniversary of a fictional character's death is more than a little ridiculous. But it still seems worthy of mention. And I feel a bit bad that it passed without me being aware of it. But perhaps that isn't a bad thing.
That's exactly the way to look at it I think. Thanks for pointing out what's really important to remember.
I'm getting off of here for a while. May be back.
Hope you’re doing fine buddy, you do deserve a break! Take care & be back soon <3
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