
Nobody asked, but I switched to English now, (makes it less awkward to write fics) and I was thinking about starting to write again here and on aO3, I will be writing way more there though, here will be just small updates or occasionally fics about the very more explicit things I post there, so uh yeah, I was thinking about writing something Indiana related and uh.. I just started scratching up some Ford x Reader that is very *very* debatable depending on your tastes, and if you know what a Stanwich is, I'm sorry for you, but yeah, kinda into it now, I hope to go bakc being a bit more active now, but I don't promise anything since I have final exams this year.
          	Stay tuned! Fr this time


Nobody asked, but I switched to English now, (makes it less awkward to write fics) and I was thinking about starting to write again here and on aO3, I will be writing way more there though, here will be just small updates or occasionally fics about the very more explicit things I post there, so uh yeah, I was thinking about writing something Indiana related and uh.. I just started scratching up some Ford x Reader that is very *very* debatable depending on your tastes, and if you know what a Stanwich is, I'm sorry for you, but yeah, kinda into it now, I hope to go bakc being a bit more active now, but I don't promise anything since I have final exams this year.
          Stay tuned! Fr this time


Ce l'ho fatta!!!
          Signori, ho finalmente trovato tempo per aggiornare la storia, *90 minuti do applausi* spero di avere più tempo dopo la fine di quello che mi piace chiamare, l'inferno dantesco del mese di Maggio, quello che per tutti gli studenti diventa periodo di stress, notti insonni e caffeina, tanta caffeina, spero che sia gradito e niente, torno a studiare matematica babes <3
          Stay tuned!


Allora, venerdì avrò la mia prima sessione di gdr, avendo preparato precedentemente una "breve" storia del mio pg, ho deciso che, per ora, preparerò un prologo, è prossimamente scriverò una storia su questa oneshot, che non so se registrare o meno per tenermi i dettagli,
          So girls&boys, stay turned!