
 I forgot my password help and my email is wrong too and now.I'm. Stuck with the name turtleg


SOMEONEEE give me some excuses for when my parents see my English result on my report tmr, like I probably failed and what can i say all i have come up with is I don't know how to speak English which I don't think they will accept. And then when they see my French after that they will probably have a heart attack after the French oral which I totally messed up but at least I have nothing but help is required. Goodnight oh and btw my phone has been taken away so you cannot reach me there so don't think I blocked you I just only have here and teams to communicate so like only here then. Okay well goodnight 


Prayyy for my exams only 3 left but it has honestly been the longest 2 weeks of my life and my French is gonna make me cry cuts all I know is bonjojr madam comment ca va. And then my phone stopped letting me use my data so I'm also crying for that but anyways love k 


Who told me physics was going to be 'fun and interesting to learn' because they lied npbutbatelast you have knows his stuff NO. The teacher makes it a thousand to,es worse himv and his bipolar attitude please what's his problem never answering your questions just laughing at you telling you he's already said this okayyyy but youre supposed to be mainh sure we understand are you not. Im just so tired like 3 tests in a day one go them is bound to have a slip up. But I guess they think we have no social lives like them. Anyways MY PHONE ISN'T LETTING THEBWOFI GO ON SOCLIKENITS STILL BROKEN. AND like 15 ppl follow me and for all I know they're my teachers so if you are go away and finally I'd like to say a verse very close to my heart from the bible 'man shall not sleep with boy'meaning no paedophilia okay gn love y'all even you tobi do not forget that a talented and smartest person you know lives you mwahc mwah love your favourite scorpio ♍


@f_ck_off_b_tches the English in this is crumbling beyond repair 


Guys I think I've goneninsane but it may be the caffeine since I had two different types of ice coffees today .And like little rant so you guys j now who Rogan is or (carly) well I sagaaaw him today and he's now a foot taller than me and like I'm sad since everyone is now taller than me not you gemma tho but everyone else, andddd like now my brai n okisn't falling asleep and my phone's brokenc beyond repair so I'm getting a a new one. And like nownwattoad is the only way I Dan communicate with you guys si bye tea,s is risky cuts they may look at those ,essages and like yeah gooodnight;