
Note: Though I doubt people will read this but just in case, as mentioned I'm just ranting and stating my own opinions so don't mind me. Also, though I talk down a lot about adaptation writers but there's still a handful that did a good job in writing as I truly enjoyed their stories and were amazed by their creativity and  ability to charm the readers with their words. I just hope that there're more of such amazing writers and less of those who irresponsible of their work.


Note: Though I doubt people will read this but just in case, as mentioned I'm just ranting and stating my own opinions so don't mind me. Also, though I talk down a lot about adaptation writers but there's still a handful that did a good job in writing as I truly enjoyed their stories and were amazed by their creativity and  ability to charm the readers with their words. I just hope that there're more of such amazing writers and less of those who irresponsible of their work.


I get that many writers here are writing for fun or as a hobby so updates were not regular but don't juz stop without notifying cause 1)it's irresponsible of you to your readers. 2) it's irritating especially when the story was well written and really enticing.
          As you can see from my collections, I mainly save/read books that are adapted. And there's some common problem with these adaptations.
           1) Adding OCs stealing lines of the original MC. If you wanna make a OC then you need to make that character do stuff that are not the same as the adapted story or if you really want the oc to do stuff that the original MC had done then make it moderate and at least add some circumstances or edit the original lines a little. Don't just copy and paste the original line and change the MC name to your oc name. It's frustrating to read and also makes the presence of the OC useless. Like what's the point of having a OC doing the exact same stuff as the original MC did.
          2) OOC. If you're writing an adaptation with the same MC then please think/study the MC character thoroughly. Like if the mc is a stoic/unexpressive person do you think it's reasonable if he cries all the time or crap talks a lot. Writing a OOC character reflects to readers that you don't understand the character at all or you're just exploiting the original MC's name and making a different persona out of it.
          3) Being too descriptive with emotions.
          When writing about emotions please just write it moderately be it in amount or in content. If you wanna express the person being sad/depressed then just write at most 1-2 paragraphs about how it feels or think and not a full page of it. Be Short and concise. Too much description will tire out your readers and not make an impact on them. 


Just ranting...
          After looking through my collections, I've realised that there's a lot of stories that are on hiatus or incomplete. I'm alright if stories halt because authors happen to have writer blocks in the middle of the story BUT it's unreasonable to have it at the START. I'm not a writer but, don't writers have to plan and construct their storyline before posting? You don't mean you juz came up with an idea suddenly and just wrote it without thinking through properly like how you're gonna end or progression?! If you've never planned the storyboard before writing then of course you'll not be able to write for long! Plus finish what you've written before starting a new one. Having 2-3 stories ongoing is fine but don't write 10-20 ongoing stories. It'll just tell me that you're the irresponsible type and that most of your stories were created on a whim (means that I won't even read your work as I already know that it'll 100% not be completed or it'll be poorly written)