
>> General Update <<
          	Hello everyone!
          	I apologize for not being active for the past month. I currently have an ear infection (how fun) and have had a lot of school tasks to accomplish. My teachers decided to give us 31 assignments and projects, and I have been trying to meet their deadlines during the past four weeks. Fortunately, I only have 3 tasks left and I am hoping that no one would be adding another set on top of it. 
          	Once things start to cool down, I'd spoil everyone with tons of chapter updates. Please wait for me :((
          	Hope everyone is having a better week than me, stay safe ♡
          	- Keira-chan




@18720_K-chan hi take ur time we understand !! 


Heya Author, just wanted to say that I've enjoyed reading "Taking Care Of Kid". I must admit it gave me all these butterflies whenever there's a moment.  I'm very thankful for every chapters! I hope you continued making more in the nearest future <\3


>> General Update <<
          Hello everyone!
          I apologize for not being active for the past month. I currently have an ear infection (how fun) and have had a lot of school tasks to accomplish. My teachers decided to give us 31 assignments and projects, and I have been trying to meet their deadlines during the past four weeks. Fortunately, I only have 3 tasks left and I am hoping that no one would be adding another set on top of it. 
          Once things start to cool down, I'd spoil everyone with tons of chapter updates. Please wait for me :((
          Hope everyone is having a better week than me, stay safe ♡
          - Keira-chan




@18720_K-chan hi take ur time we understand !! 


>> General update <<
          Hey everyone!
          I'm sorry I couldn't update much last December; I wanted to take a bit of a break last month (and I also got a bit burned out on writing). Anyway, I actually planned on putting out new chapters as soon as January 2022 began, but... I got sick :< 
          I'm all better now, but I'm still trying to get a bit of rest because I don't want my fever to go back up again. But don't worry, I'll try writing a couple of hundred words at a time!
          Hope you are also feeling okay and are staying safe! Happy new year, everyone ♡♡
          - Keira-chan


>> General Update <<
          I just published a new One Piece Fanfic! It's a One Shots and not a full-on story like the others. The title is "Interactions", consisting primarily of exchanges between OP characters. 
          Hope you all check it out and give it a try! (Currently consists of one chapter... (っ◞‸◟c))
          - Keira-chan


>> General Update <<
          I am currently working on a new chapter for 'Smile' because it's been a long while since I last updated there. Then, I'll be working on 'I'm A Doctor' soon after!
          I apologize for taking a while before posting a new chapter! I've been focusing on my other story, 'Taking Care of Kid', as well as classes. I'll undoubtedly be posting sometime this month! (Maybe a new book too ;))
          Thank you to all of you who continue to wait patiently ♡♡♡
          - Keira-chan


>> Story Update: Taking Care of Kid <<
          So... I posted the last chapter of 'Taking Care of Kid' hours ago. It's finally completed yey! ♡♡♡
          (I'm reading all of the comments, and I'm sorry, but... I have to laugh ✋)
          Anyways, it's not actually done done, so don't worry! I have two ending specials to post this month. It will be discussing parts of what happened during the fourteen years time skip and a bit on the future (canon wano arc). Hope that would give enough closure on the -sudden- ending. 
          Also, to answer some of yall questions... Yes. Y/N's dead :)) and regarding Y/N's 'mission' before she died; Kid is still finding answers about that, so none can be said unless he unravels it on his own ;) 
          (But there are clues on the story itself, so maybe some of y'all have speculation on what it was)
          Moving on- Thank you so much for supporting this story up until now! It has a lot of plot holes and cringy scenes, but I am immensely grateful that you all stayed through it! Thank you, thank you, thank you! ♡♡♡♡♡
          - Keira-chan ☆


@18720_K-chan *cries, JDJSISJ Idk when I started reading that fic but If I remember it has been like since last year? almost a year or a year fr, Djdusj I could not the story is too beautiful it shocked me it ended. I was expecting  a soft ending like from specials but I remembered it's nothing related in the main plot, but It's like what you expect in your future but in reality it's different from what you expect. The story is just an example of expectations vs reality . I'm going to miss it :(, Still can't process that y/n did really died


Ah I wanted to read more about little kid.