Check out @HPXKPOP and their newest post. Hype them up. They’ve been dealing with an abusive rp friend that’s on here for a year now and they’ve finally been able to leave their sorry butt!
Since this is gonna cause issues I’ll be deleting my account in a few hours. I’ll make a new one and dm the important people what my new account is. Bye. Leave my sister alone.
Not so sincerely, Jace.
Alright. I don’t owe anyone a damn explanation but here it is. You hurt my sister and I will defend her. You then react by again- hurting my sister when she’s close to losing it. She explained everything and it wasn’t enough and you still push her. I have nothing to explain. I’ve been very clear. Don’t talk about her to other people whether it’s good or bad things. Don’t share her stuff. Stop sending her hateful messages. That’s my explanation.
Kat didn’t say a word about you. I did. Stop texting her “I don’t know what you told so and so.”
I took her account and saw for myself.
Stop. Pinning. Things. On. Her.
You did use her. It’s clear to see in the way you spoke to her.
No you didn’t tell her to change she offered to change and you again berated her.
Stop pinning this on her.
How many times do I have to say that.