
So today i wrote a poem inspired by The current Situation. Here it is, hope you guys like it. 
          	Stuck here, in this house
          	Oh No, we can't get out
          	Let me out! i'm not a mouse
          	Am I still free? I highly doubt.
          	Locked up, my house a jail
          	But why? I commited no crime
          	Sunny outside, finally no rain. 
          	Stupid little Virus, please die!
          	Everything closed, no living.
          	Public life has stopped
          	So much we'd be giving,
          	For us to be unlocked.


@ 19chanti96  oh my god please stay save! Have you been tested? what are your Symptomes?


@19chanti96 I relate... But I feel so unhappy because I feel sick like I had coronavirus :(


hii !! i worked really hard on this book and put my all into this, so if you would like, i would really appreciate it if you could read what i have so far, or at least vote or even comment if you would like. if you don’t want to, that is perfectly okay. (annoying book promo i know, i’m sorry) thank you and have an amazing day!! <3 https://www.wattpad.com/story/259301988?utm_source=ios&utm_medium=link&utm_content=share_writing&wp_page=create&wp_uname=t0xichild&wp_originator=4Svn81O1yLFgY2iGDNeLmsfvwLPypPfNcQ6iwhynGnU5t6XPtT5o68hDSHFjcoscoan6tzPFJA3QMEpU5re6hsyJ%2F80VheH5JKUOQPsfyrZfJ9g370QAE9S2hS%2BGnV6h


So today i wrote a poem inspired by The current Situation. Here it is, hope you guys like it. 
          Stuck here, in this house
          Oh No, we can't get out
          Let me out! i'm not a mouse
          Am I still free? I highly doubt.
          Locked up, my house a jail
          But why? I commited no crime
          Sunny outside, finally no rain. 
          Stupid little Virus, please die!
          Everything closed, no living.
          Public life has stopped
          So much we'd be giving,
          For us to be unlocked.


@ 19chanti96  oh my god please stay save! Have you been tested? what are your Symptomes?


@19chanti96 I relate... But I feel so unhappy because I feel sick like I had coronavirus :(


2016 me: *works in just one Story and don't really get new ideas before that Story is finished*
          2020 me: *always has like 3 things to wo work at, at The same Time and constantly gets new ideas*
          idk if i should be proud of that


@ 19chanti96  i literally have no idea if IT's good or bad  
            Stay tuned- I'm working on (Not) So Far Away and a completely new, sad Frerard Story and i have sonething else in plan 


that’s definitely improvement and an achievement!! ig you could also view it as a little draining and distracting as well?? maybe not, but that’s definitely the same for me lmao 


          I kinda lost my ability to just focus on one project 
          The 5th chapter of (Not) So Far Away is in The works but tonight i laid awake Half The night due to an idea for a Frerard Oneshot just coming into my head out of The blue... Gonna statt writing this one too. 
          Warning: late night idea so it's gonna be sad and scary. Stay tuned.