Omg I updated Summer Love less than a minute ago and it already has 5 reads! Thank you so much!!!%u2764%uD83D%uDC9B%uD83D%uDC9A%uD83D%uDC99%uD83D%uDC9C%uD83D%uDC97%uD83D%uDE18%uD83D%uDE0D%uD83D%uDE03%uD83D%uDE03%uD83D%uDE03%uD83D%uDE03 xxZo
I am so sorry for not updating yet. I really don't have time between school work and bar mitzvahs. I had two this weekend and I have another next week then the week after that and then I have break and then another bar mitzvah! I am behind on school work and if I don't keep my grades up my mom will take away my iPod and then I can't update or go on wattpad at all. Please don't think that I'm not trying to write Summer Love because I am trying. Please bear with me I I see voted and comments it will make me want to update faster! xxZo