
Mudei o nome do Axel (Apocalipse) para TJ, porque estava muito parecido com o de Alex e assim ficava mais confuso para vocês


Hi :( 
          I've finally "unpublished" End Up Here and now I'm gonna dedicate myself to Apocalipse. I hope you guys understand and please be patient with me while I'm writing Apocalipse, I'm really busy right now, but I'll try to publish it regularly. See You Then :)


Btw, I've started to watch Shadow Hunters (the Tv series) and it is awesome! I ship very much Malec and strangely (?) I don't like Clary that much, even if she's the main character. My favourite character is definetely Magnus, just because he's fab and the most intelligent (Brain/Think is the new sexy). I also love Izzy because she's also fab in her own way. And Alec literally kills my heart, specially when he's around Magnus ;)


Hey guys, go check out my newest (?) chapter of End Up Here. It's not really a chapter, it is an author's note, but you should check out because it's really important. I'm thinking about deleting the fic and the motives are all in that chapter, so check out. See You Later :)


I have been reading a few stories of Sherlock, and every time I read a new good fic about this series, it amazes me everytime to think of how amazing writers we have here in Wattpad, it's just really cool! I have a few of those stories on my reading lists, so you can check them out. (Btw, I don't reccomend reading Sherlock's fics before watching the series, 'cause they might countains spoilers, apart maybe from "Reichenbach Secundary". Great story, I must say! I didn't ship much Johnlock, I used to ship Sherlolly, but these fics just got in my head and... now I'm unsure)