
Hey everyone! I'm publishing my book tonight!!!!! I hope you all enjoy. I'm sorry it's been so long, but thank you for sticking with me for so long. Bless, you all. ❤️


Hey love, thank you for following back!
          I'm sooooo sorry to bother you, but I was wondering if you'd mind checking out my new h.s fanfic "Rebellious Hearts" and maybe let me know what you think of it as well? It would mean so much, thank you and have a lovely day ❤


I want to rant a little bit tonight; I've just been thinking recently and I just feel like I need to address my issues. 
          LET'S BEGIN!
          In FanFiction, or any type of novel ever written, I find that the reason that the ideal female character is typically sweet, kind, and selfless, is because these type of people tend to be the most brave, courageous, intelligent people on earth.  They tend to be optimistic and wise beyond their years. And I love that a character could become this way and seem so angelic. But when you add naiveness and idiocy to the mix of their golden colours, that makes the whole character limp and lifeless. Because typically, these characters become manipulated and are an easy target.  Which, I know might sound hypocritical coming from me, but this is just my personal opinion. 
          Now, onto the next main character; typically the other character is usually male and headstrong, a junkie, a alcoholic, a strong lead to balance out the ultimatum of the gentleness of the female character, by showing his small bit of softness, and the harsh blows she can have. It's all about yin and yang, but does anyone else find this boring? This concept is used so much, and you can't help but want to steer away from the inevitable of it all. 
          But then again, you want to read the text anyway because your peaked curiosity WANTS to know what will happen to these characters. What their predicament will be, their trial and errors.  It's all just one giant hoop in the world of writing, and it's fascinating where the humans mind can go before a certain limit is hit. 
          Well...that was long. Laugh out loud! I didn't mean for that to happen. Anyway, I hope this was somewhat interesting- or whatever. 
          But, any-who, mornin' everyone! Have a great Sunday!