
Guys...I'm back and I'm SO shook at the Leafs fics haha 


Might try something new in terms of writing, instead of going with a character I know a lot about, maybe pick one that I've not really invested too much time into. Since most of these will be a/ns, I feel as though it'll give me more creative potential to build on a character rather than reminding myself "oh wait, _____ is like this or likes this irl"
          But hey, thanks to the few people who have stuck around! :)
          Love ya lots,


I see that the Emblem3 hype has gone down...I was gunna start posting another Keaton fanfiction after finishing Distance (I have all the chapters ready to upload but I might delete it and just add an alternatate epilogue for Girl Next Door) but the fanfiction will be a little different writing style wise from the other fics, but I'm not too sure. It'll be an AU though. So should I keep it a Keaton Fanfic, or change it to a 5SOS, One Direction, or Janoskians fanfic?


@1DevineJanoskians as long as it's written by you I'll read it.


So I started a Youtube channel to try to get over my intense phobia of public speaking, since it's really negatively impacting my school life. 
          So, for anyone out there going into freshman year/grade nine/Year 1 (not sure about the school system overseas) I made a Freshman advice video! :) I'm not too sure what I was thinking, since they're just subconcious ramblings I did in the morning. Here's the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P6sBO9ZL1bU
          The name of my channel is Blurrrrrrb. I'll probably make a video with more detailed info as to why I made the channel, and why I named it Blurrrrrrb. I dunno if you've noticed, but there are 6 R's... ;) 
          It would mean the world if you were to subscribe, comment, or give it a thumbs up! :)
          -Kath x