Hey there!
So you've probably realized that I haven't been updating as much as I used to, and as much as I love this books (WHICH IM NOT GIVING UP ON, BY THE WAY!) I feel like I owe you all a little explanation of why my mind has been elsewhere these past few months.
I used to be this kid who didn't exactly fit in. Not like the weird kid who gets bullied and stuff, I just was very (too) true to myself and I just didn't fit in any group of friends. I had acquaintances and a couple of friends here and there. I wasn't alone, I just didn't hang out of school with almost anyone, and I wasn't really in any group of friends. This made me feel sad, never depressed, but lonely. I'm a very outgoing person, so I really struggled being alome with my thoughts all day.
But since I started uni, my life has changed dramatically. I have a great, big group of friends, who like me and enjoy talking to me, who LOVE ME, support me and smile when I'm talking to them, they don't look away and only listen to half of what I say. I have found peace and I'm no longer lonely, life is so great, so so great.
I'm probably older than most of you, so this is my way of saying that, if you're not really confident with yourself and you are in a situation like mine, IT GETS SO MUCH BETTER. Finishing school was the best thing that happened to me.
Anyway, this new life I adore has its disadvantages: I update way less... I hope you understand why now, and know that I will definitely continue, I just think that right now I'm so happy, and I need to continue doing this thing that makes me happy.
I love you all so much!