
Uploaded  Chapter 14 of There's More To Discover! Sorry it's not that long. Also, if you're bored, you can check out "You're My Home." It's not that great, but maybe you'd enjoy it. Hope you're all having a good day, week, month, year. Take Care! xx


Hey lovely! Can you read/promote my fanfic? I just started it and i want more reads:) xx its called Starting Point and its a harry styles fanfic. anyways, i'd really appreciate it. btw i still love TMTD and thanks again for dedicating chapter 12 to me! x


Uploaded  Chapter 14 of There's More To Discover! Sorry it's not that long. Also, if you're bored, you can check out "You're My Home." It's not that great, but maybe you'd enjoy it. Hope you're all having a good day, week, month, year. Take Care! xx


Wow! There's More To Discover has been doing really good! I never expected anything like this, you guys are amazing. I know it's been a while since I've updated, but I'm working on the next chapter now and it should be up soon! Thank you all for reading. I'm sorry I haven't updated but it won't be as long a wait as last time, I promise. If you're bored, maybe just look at the one shot I uploaded? It's not very good, haha, but maybe you'll enjoy it. Thank you all so much for reading/voting/commenting. Honestly, you all are so great. xxxx