
this message may be offensive
I was just looking through the comments on my 'books' that I wrote when I was 12/13, now being 17 it is cringey as fuck and I'm wanting to delete them but I won't because it's a past achievement. I'm now an English Literature student so remembering about this account is so cute, I remember literally spending 3 hours a night writing a chapter and adoring doing it. Never told anyone about this account or the books, total secret LMAO


@1Dnialler I just finished reading Cyberspace and I totally loved it, it was amazing. Only thing you should review the ending, besides that its definitely one of my favorites now. Please don't delete them, you're such a good writer.


@1Dnialler Literally me! The story I started in 2011 is like my most popular one but I find it so freaking cringe worthy!!!!


@1Dnialler don't delete!!!!"" plz


Im not a charli hater, but i was done defending her in September 2020. After more then a year of her and Addison rae becoming celebs the app has become way more toxic then "The golden Age" in summer 2019. 
          The app used to an escape from somethings going on in life. I would laugh and smile at every video. the Covid-19 came around and millions more people downloaded the app. almost every video on my page is now "Please like" or "Buy things from my store"
          I love tiktok, but i like the old tiktok better... all im saying is that are you following people like Charli because you: 
          Think she has talent?
          Shes popular?
          your friends do?
          There was neve
          r a need to look pretty all you had to do was make a joke or do a craft to blow up. Now we have 8 year olds doing the WAP and think they are some part of gen z (their not.) TBH i was playing barbies at 8. so not only is this toxic for us, but the future generations too!


Hey there!! If you need some awesome books to read you can check out my suggestion books, I promise you'll love it and all the cool books in there.....  And if possible spread the news of this book so that all wattpad readers are not deprived of these good books


Ola! Se você gosta de uma aventura colossal, emoções e surpresas, eu lhe convido para 
          entrar no mundo mágico de Bell Tashi! Te dou a minha palavra, que se você acompanhar 
          certinho, não irá se arrepender de acompanhar. Esse livro já esteve em 8 no ranking
          aventura! Ele atualmente lidera o the oscar literario 2017 em aventura!!!
          Bell: E que a magia comesse!
          Tashi: Vem logo, eu estou empolgado!
          Merlin: Nossa aventura será gigantesca!
          Eles estão te esperando XD
          Muito obrigado


this message may be offensive
I was just looking through the comments on my 'books' that I wrote when I was 12/13, now being 17 it is cringey as fuck and I'm wanting to delete them but I won't because it's a past achievement. I'm now an English Literature student so remembering about this account is so cute, I remember literally spending 3 hours a night writing a chapter and adoring doing it. Never told anyone about this account or the books, total secret LMAO


@1Dnialler I just finished reading Cyberspace and I totally loved it, it was amazing. Only thing you should review the ending, besides that its definitely one of my favorites now. Please don't delete them, you're such a good writer.


@1Dnialler Literally me! The story I started in 2011 is like my most popular one but I find it so freaking cringe worthy!!!!


@1Dnialler don't delete!!!!"" plz