
Plz i can't find the create button and i want to write a story. Can anyone pls help me


If u need more clarification, reach out to me!


@1Eye2Phone3Is4New do I need to get the app before or ....... I don't have the app but I have logged in.


@lizz_luvs_books hi thank you so much for replying. Sorry it took me long to see this message. I've been busy. I can't locate the 5 icons you are talking about


HI, I want to help u out.
          On the bottom of ur screen there should be 5 icons. To create or write a story u want to click the pencil icon. Once u do that it should say creator a story or edit story in a box
           If u want to create a story click that one. Then u just follow the directions. I hope this helps!