
Hello Everyone!
          	I hope you all are doing well! I am writing to let you all know that I am perfectly fine. I see so many of you are worried about me thank you so much for your concern and i'm sorry to make you all worry. 
          	Yes I have unpublished my previous 3 books due to some reason. I hope you guys will respect my decision. 
          	In the moonlight won't be unpublished, don't worry. I will complete that book even if it take me years 
          	I am extremely busy with my job. It's a 6 days office job. It take all of my time and energy. I will try to update soon for you guys. 
          	Thank you for giving my writing so much love. I am surprised at the amount of love you guys have for my flawed books. Thank you sweethearts. 
          	Take care of yourselves. I will be back soon. Much love ❤️


@1Goldenbunjk can you pls re-upload little monster plsss


@1Goldenbunjk Hi, I respect your decision, but please, if you still have the story, put the story "my euphoria" back!   It was the best story I've ever read.


@1Goldenbunjk plzzz take care of yourself.....if you take years to finish the book then we all can wait for years too.....no need to feel pressure...just take care of yourself....cause that's what we all want....our author nim happy and healthy.


Hi author nim...how are you?I hope everything is going well with you..but I guess you've inactivated your account...but I wanted to express that I miss reading your books and all of them are close to my heart that I can reread without getting bored...so pretty please come back quickly and reupload all the books...as it becomes 5 month and we still don't know any update about you... we'll patiently be waiting for your arrival but please don't make us wait for too long...☺️