
Sto riguardando e riscrivendo tutti i capitoli già pubblicati, quindi se vi sta piacendo la mia storia vi consiglio di rileggerli ahahah


Sono sta felice in questi giorni perchè ho tantissima ispirazione per "Racconti di una babbana ad Hogwarts", quindi aspettatevi nuovi capitoli presto hehe


*crying silently*


Ma prima devo abbassare un altro po’ la mia media in matematica 


@ 1MissBlack  o.o


Help!!! I can’t find my wand anywhere and tomorrow I have to catch the Hogwarts express!! Who comes with me?
          I have to go my fourth year, let’s hope professor McGonagall won’t do the Triwizard Tournament! 
          Whatever, see you on the train!
          (And yes, Rose, Scorpius and Albus are in the same year as me hehe)


"They didn't mean for it to happen. It was an accident, they would both swear on it. And it was true, no one would ever think that Sirius ack and Marlene Mekinnon would ever fall in love. True, it was an accident, but it was the best accident of their lives." 
          - from Accidents of Life by @emalicea12


«"She looks like you," Sirius' voice was heavy with emotion, and he too had a large smile on his face. 
          "Are you saying that I look like a prune?" Marlene asked.
           "No, I'm saying that both of my girls look absolutely beautiful," Sirius kissed her on the cheek. 
          "Nice save Black," Marlene muttered.»
          -from Marlene, by @live_life_with_books