
Keep an eye out for my new book that is inspired by many alice in wonderland media. The short stories will be loosely connected and have a variety of relationship dynamics and types. Including: (M)Alice x M, (F)Alice x M, F x (F)Alice, M x (M)A, M x (F)Alice x M, F x (M)Alice.


@1Nameless_Narrator this is going to be interesting I can't wait


Keep an eye out for my new book that is inspired by many alice in wonderland media. The short stories will be loosely connected and have a variety of relationship dynamics and types. Including: (M)Alice x M, (F)Alice x M, F x (F)Alice, M x (M)A, M x (F)Alice x M, F x (M)Alice.


@1Nameless_Narrator this is going to be interesting I can't wait


Just posted a chapter. It is a little short but yesterdays was long so it  balances out. Gonna try to get the last two chapters out tomorrow. Then the story will be over. Let me know what you would be interested in seeing from me next. I plan on writing an even better story next time.


Just wrote the chapter closing Shuu's romance route. I have most everything planned out now but I want you guys to let me know what you would like to see with Subaru and Nao. Since I want to do one more chapter of them getting closer before finishing the story.


Edits are all done. For the most part, nothing major was changed so you don't have to reread it if you do not wish to. I am taking a little break then starting on the chapters for today.  I believe a have caught a little winter cold, but I will do my best to work through it. So excited to continue the story. It is really going to be picking up from here on out.


Just published today's chapter. I also noticed that I switched from first person to third starting at the Christmas chapter. I think I need to fix that. Please let me know which you prefer. I do feel it is easier to write about the brothers' feelings in third person though.


I was rereading your whole story and I didn’t even notice  I think whatever’s easier for you is good  