
this message may be offensive
Admin has some news...
          	((Admin: I'm so sorry! I haven't been on in forever! I feel super guilty and everything >.< I apologize so much *bows head* I AM SUPER SORRY. 
          	...I should probably explain...
          	Okay, so my sister got really sick and we went to the hospital. Since we were at the hospital anyway, my mom thought it would be a good idea for us all to go to the walk-in clinic. While I was having my checkup, the doctor saw I had some sort of skin thing on my neck, he thought it could be a sign of pre-diabetes and whatever. They drew my blood and we left when my sister got antibiotics for strep throat. After a couple of days, they found something in my blood and they wanted to do a couple more tests. When they got the results, it turns out I have some kind of pancreatic or ovary cancer. I had to stay at the hospital for a couple of days because they had to see exactly what went into my digestive system and stuff. After, I had some big surgery on my ovaries. IT FUCKING HURT LIKE HELL. After that, I had to stay at my aunt's which is right next to the hospital. My other sister also got sick and she has pneumonia now ;-; I should be active for now though, I'm finally at my house. And I FINALLY got my phone back. So we should be good for a while!)
          	You explained that horribly.
          	(Admin: It was the best I could do!)
          	I'll also be the one answering the messages today, giving Admin a little rest. Like a gentleman would do.


this message may be offensive
Admin has some news...
          ((Admin: I'm so sorry! I haven't been on in forever! I feel super guilty and everything >.< I apologize so much *bows head* I AM SUPER SORRY. 
          ...I should probably explain...
          Okay, so my sister got really sick and we went to the hospital. Since we were at the hospital anyway, my mom thought it would be a good idea for us all to go to the walk-in clinic. While I was having my checkup, the doctor saw I had some sort of skin thing on my neck, he thought it could be a sign of pre-diabetes and whatever. They drew my blood and we left when my sister got antibiotics for strep throat. After a couple of days, they found something in my blood and they wanted to do a couple more tests. When they got the results, it turns out I have some kind of pancreatic or ovary cancer. I had to stay at the hospital for a couple of days because they had to see exactly what went into my digestive system and stuff. After, I had some big surgery on my ovaries. IT FUCKING HURT LIKE HELL. After that, I had to stay at my aunt's which is right next to the hospital. My other sister also got sick and she has pneumonia now ;-; I should be active for now though, I'm finally at my house. And I FINALLY got my phone back. So we should be good for a while!)
          You explained that horribly.
          (Admin: It was the best I could do!)
          I'll also be the one answering the messages today, giving Admin a little rest. Like a gentleman would do.


            It's okay admin, we understand! 
            I hope your sister gets better soon! 


Thank you for following me!


@8awesomeanime8 I would never...and it would be best if you would not call me that wretched name.
            ((Admin: Woah, England, calm yo tits))


@8awesomeanime8 ((Admin: Yay!!))
            I shall make scones! 