
life update type thing… 
          	started summer school just got back from blues fest went for the whole festival got like weird blisters on my legs idk what they are i got a fever of 100.3
          	also i’m gonna try and do 2 summer school courses cause then i can be ahead in credits again cause i failed my math course last year and then the last year of school i’m gonna do a 4 credit co-op and get 4 extra credits cause im gonna have enough credits to be finished school a semester early but i’m gonna do a co-op or something like that 
          	hoping i get better by friday also summer school is wayyyy easier than going to school 


life update type thing… 
          started summer school just got back from blues fest went for the whole festival got like weird blisters on my legs idk what they are i got a fever of 100.3
          also i’m gonna try and do 2 summer school courses cause then i can be ahead in credits again cause i failed my math course last year and then the last year of school i’m gonna do a 4 credit co-op and get 4 extra credits cause im gonna have enough credits to be finished school a semester early but i’m gonna do a co-op or something like that 
          hoping i get better by friday also summer school is wayyyy easier than going to school 


bro Louis is so good live 10/10 recommend I literally had an aisle seat and just danced around in the aisle and people didn't care it was so fun I went with my mom cause my sister bailed on me last minute cause she couldn't get work off  but shes gonna make it up to me by getting me kurtis conner merch from his pop up




@1dgooddays I wish but I probably won’t be able to


@BrasserieVasHappenin aww that sucks are you seeing him anywhere else?


@1dgooddays ooo I was supposed to see him there but I couldn’t