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The last chapter for the Baby, Baby series will be posted tomorrow. 
          	Thank you for following me on this incredible journey! If you're still reading or you're just starting; thank you! Thank you for being patient with me while I got my shit together. 
          	When I started writing this I was in a relationship, when this started to become popular, I was pregnant with twins and found out that my boyfriend had a daughter that he hadn't told me about. 
          	You probably read about how I slipped on a water slide and almost lost my kids, or rolled your eyes at how many time I changed the children's names before they were born. 
          	Thanks for being there and being supportive!
          	I will eventually write more! I have a few ideas up my sleeve, this includes finishing some of the other stories that I have published. In saying that, I'll be going through my work and deleting things that I know I'll never finish. 
          	Thanks for being so rad! 


это сообщение может быть оскорбительным
The last chapter for the Baby, Baby series will be posted tomorrow. 
          Thank you for following me on this incredible journey! If you're still reading or you're just starting; thank you! Thank you for being patient with me while I got my shit together. 
          When I started writing this I was in a relationship, when this started to become popular, I was pregnant with twins and found out that my boyfriend had a daughter that he hadn't told me about. 
          You probably read about how I slipped on a water slide and almost lost my kids, or rolled your eyes at how many time I changed the children's names before they were born. 
          Thanks for being there and being supportive!
          I will eventually write more! I have a few ideas up my sleeve, this includes finishing some of the other stories that I have published. In saying that, I'll be going through my work and deleting things that I know I'll never finish. 
          Thanks for being so rad! 


Hello lovely readers,  if you're reading this you might not be in love with 1d anymore or me because I've been gone for so long...
          Lots of things have been happening in the last few years, like all the children I've popped out lol 
          I have 5 children!  Giaan, Ciara, Tynan, Michael and little Claudia 
          So I've definitely been busy.  
          This is not a post to brag about my kids,  but to apologise for abandoning you.  With Claudie being in day care now, I do have some free time up my sleeve and I've been itching to write again for months.  
          So I just wanted to know,  do you,  if you're still interested,  want me to continue Let's Make Babies,  Baby? Or should I just leave it where it is 
          If I get enough response I will start with the next chapter and hopefully have something ready to go in a couple of days.  I've literally re-read all my own work because I couldn't even remember my own story and I've got a couple of ideas!  
          I also want to finish off Will You Be My Baby, Baby?  Which,  because it's been a really long time,  is the prequel to the Baby, Baby? Series 
          Leave me a comment,  send me a message,  vote your pretty little heart out and if there is enough interest I will start writing!  
          Also I've missed,  still love you loads