
I have a second announcement, I'm willing to help any uprising writers so I will be selecting one person to make a cover for.
          	Check my new book Coverlab to participate in this one time chance for a free cover. 


          	  If any of you want the covers, please message me.


Yo! If you're looking to contact @1fanraider just message me. @1fanraider was my old account that I lost during the time Wattpad was hacked, I believe around 2020... Anyhoo, if you don't believe me, I have proof, I'm still able to access and use the tiktok account tagged/mentioned in my about. I also still have the original photoshop files for the covers of the stories written on this account. Specifically "Untold by Us" and "Who am I? NO! What am I?"
          Sadly I have not published any books on this account yet, and none of them are fanfics. They're all original stories.  Yes, I have a book in production, just waiting to be posted on here.
          More great news! My writing has improved a thousand times over. Like, I cringe so hard now when reading the books I wrote on here.


I'm really sorry for disappearing for so long but I don't really have the time for wattpad anymore, last year I start art classes and I'm also still working on a very big story project. Both have been taking up alot of time along with graduating this year.
          I'm also announcing that I will sadly not continue any one my stories. That's all for now.


Lena can I ask you a question? 


            Thanks for clearing that up for me, I really appreciate it. 


            1.) your books are GREAT! 
            2.)I haven't been active in 5 months wdym lol
            3.) updated or not, they're still really good and inspired me to experiment with some new stuff (I'm not gonna take your books lol)


            Heyo, I was reading my conversations and came across this one, and it got me wondering. Why did you and your friend like my account so much? Like, my books aren't so great, I barely updated them, and rarley did anything, at all.
            Where as your account is a lot more successful and active than mine.
            (No hate or anything just trying to settle my tired mind from this question.)


Thanks for following me, Lena :D
          I hope you like horrors and psychological thrillers? Cuz that's mostly what you'll find on my page >;3 Mwahahahahaaaa *evil laugh echoes*


@Creative_Moments That's OK lol XD
            And welcome back!


            Lol, and I ended up never reading any of them. Sorry, @Ellen_Reese .


I wouldn't have followed you if I didn't mind them XD


I hate my brain so much!!
          I keep getting new ideas for new stories but I already have so many and am unable to keep up with continuing them.
          Total count of story ideas with what I've already started writing are 19+  


            Lol, sorry to say this past me, but you're still struggling with this to the present day. Keep it up though, you've written some pretty good S#*T, NGL.


@1fanraider  I'm in the same boat! I just had to figure out which book could be a priority, which one readers would really read. Keep going! You can do ths!