ok so it turns out that the guy in sound system is not what i thought he was but that's ok bc i have decided to that i still like Justin( old boyfriend #firstkiss ) and on friday we were talking his garage and i had a really bad last 2 weeks so he said he would talk to me. while we were talking he asked if i was going to be ok and i told him i think so and then ........................ HE HUGGED ME! ik it's not like a kiss or anything but still we hadn't hugged since may 18 so yeah. after the hug we still had our arms around each other and our faces were so close i almost wanted to kiss him but i didn't then he told he cared about and i was like thanks not very many do so anyway yeah that's what's going on lately. but i need so advice from any of my followers just please let me know how to tell him how i feel bc i honestly have know idea what to do #pleasehelp