
Hello there, it's been very long since someone posted something so I thought I would drop a message and ask how are you doing? Is nursing going well ? The phanfics are all really good, so thank you for writing all the stories and making me smile :) I hope you're doing well !!


this message may be offensive
Hey I just read one of your phan books and just know that you will be okay. I'm not going to say I love you or some shit like that because it's not true. I don't love you. But someone does. You can't tell me that out of 7 billion fucking people that no one cares for you at least a little bit. I love your writing so much and I love your work so please just know that there is hope. 
          xoxo, a (ph)an!


You updated....does that mean you're home from the hospital? If so I hope you actually had a decent time. If not I hope you see this when you come out of the hospital. 


god same here, the exact same thing happened to me :/ i feel your pain


I'm glad you're better! :)


When I was there I was put on meds that made me tired {this was last month} and I'm asexual AF and everyone else let's say was not and I learned the difference between a blunt and a joint :/